Picture of our tech professionally cleaning solar panels in St. George Utah. Using a brush to loosen all of the dirty on the solar panels.

Solar panel


Benefits of professional solar panel cleaning

  • Picture behind our tech cleaning solar panels with a brush.

    Enhanced Energy Production

    Clean panels generate more power: When dust, dirt, and debris accumulate on solar panels, they block sunlight. Professional cleaning ensures that your panels receive maximum sunlight exposure, leading to better energy production. Boost your savings by keeping those panels spotless!

  • washing dirty solar panels by scrubbing all of the dirt off.

    Cost Savings and Longevity

    Lower electricity bills: Dirty panels are less efficient, which means you’re not getting the most out of your investment. Regular professional cleaning ensures optimal performance and cost savings.

    Prolonged panel lifespan: Clean panels are less prone to damage. By removing grime and preventing buildup, you extend the life of your solar panels.

  • Rinsing off the solar panels with a beautiful view of St. George Utah.

    Peace of Mind

    Leave it to the experts: Our trained technicians handle the cleaning process safely and effectively. You don’t have to worry about climbing on roofs or using the wrong cleaning materials.

    Regular maintenance: Schedule professional cleanings periodically, and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your solar panels are in top condition.

Professionally cleaning residential solar panels in St. George Utah. Wide angle capturing our tech cleaning the solar panels and a view of a golf course behind him.

Solar cleaning process

Spray Solar Panel: The first step is spraying our reverse osmosis and deionized water on the solar panel.

Scrub With Care: We use our specialized brush and cleaning solution to loosen up the dirt.

Rinse Solar Panel: The solar panels are then sprayed with our reverse osmosis and deionized water.

Air Dry: The Solar Panels are left to air dry leaving them spotless.


  • We recommend you clean your solar panels at least twice a year due to the hot and dusty climate. Consider more frequent cleanings if you notice excessive dust or bird droppings.

  • Professional cleaning ensures thorough removal of dirt, grime, and bird droppings. We use specialized tools and techniques to avoid damaging panels while maximizing their energy output.

  • Absolutely! We serve both residential and commercial clients. Whether you have a small rooftop system or a large-scale solar array, we’ve got you covered.

  • While hosing down solar panels might seem convenient, it’s not the best approach. Tap water leaves mineral deposits, causing hard water spots and reducing efficiency. Our pure water cleaning method ensures longer-lasting cleanliness.